UniHouse Pioneering Force in EdTech by The Daily Telegraph & UK Department of Business and Trade
Oct 06, 2023

UniHouse: Top Picked by The Daily Telegraph

In a recent announcement by The Daily Telegraph in conjunction with the UK Department of Business and Trade, UniHouse has been highlighted as one of the innovative companies in the UK. This distinction not only underscores the company's continuous pursuit of excellence but also its commitment to transforming the landscape of educational technology.

From its inception, UniHouse has stood at the forefront of technological advancement, combining the potency of digital platforms and the intelligence of AI. One of their stellar achievements is the creation of an English Language Level test available in five languages. This is a testament to the company’s dedication to inclusivity and their understanding of the diverse student body they serve.


UniHouse's innovation does more than just integrate technology into education; it paves the way for a more connected, efficient, and inclusive educational environment. Their advancements cater to the varied needs of students, trainees, and institutions, marking them as not just a company, but as visionaries in the realm of EdTech

In an era where the confluence of technology and education becomes increasingly vital, recognitions such as this by esteemed entities like The Daily Telegraph and the UK Department of Business and Trade are a testament to the transformative power of companies like UniHouse. Their passion, dedication, and innovation promise a brighter, more accessible future for learners across the globe.

In the coming years, it's evident that UniHouse will continue to push the boundaries, setting benchmarks for others to aspire to. Their journey is one to watch, as they carve out a niche in history as pioneers in the evolving world of educational technology.

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